"Philosophy for Life"

In “Philosophy for Life” van Jules Evans (overigens een leuke en actieve blogger) vond ik een mooi citaat. Raak geschreven. Hoeveel leren we nu echt op school over onszelf en over de wereld?

What it didn’t do, however, is how to understand or govern my emotions, or how to reflect on the purpose of life. Perhaps it would be asking a lot of my overworked tutors (they weren’t therapists after all) but I believe that schools, universities and adult education should offer some guidance to people, not just for their careers, but for life at its best and worst. […] Instead, I found university to be more like a factory system: we clocked in, handed in our essay, clocked out and then were left to our own devices as if we were already fully formed responsible adults. There seemed to be little institutional concern for undergraduates’ well-being or the broader development of our characters. Nor was there much hope among students that what we studied might actually be applicable to our life, let alone able to transform society. A degree was simply a preparation for the market, that big factory we were about to enter, the rules of which we were not capable of changing.